Springfield Gamers brings the good stuff with more gaming sessions. See below:
May 6th: Open Gaming RSVP
Open to tabletop, board and RPG games, we've got 2 Games Master for: Catan and Dominion, so get in quick to learn how to play. Of course there's still the board game library and plenty of other friendly folks to show you new games.
The tabletop wargamers are smashing their Kings of War slow grow games as the end draws in sign
Michael Smiths glorious Ogre army, recently won a best painted award. May be available for viewing at club
May 13th: Board Game Night RSVP
Friendly board games with dinner at Cafe63 Springfield. Watch Facebook for updates on what our Games Masters will be running ... possibly Calico.
Our last board game night, the Powergridders
Springfield, keep playing.