Store Showdown is a fun 3 round series at Brisbane local stores: Brisvegas Comics & Games, Irresistible Force, and Saga Games to showcase Kings of War, the amazing fantasy battle game of ranks 'n' flanks.
Round 2 is 3 games of 2300pts will be a more casual pace. New players and veterans are all very welcome.
Demos and practice will be at Irresistible Force in the evening of Thursday 9th, 16th Sepember
Event prizes will be awarded for 1,2,3 finishers on the day and even some extra booty for just entering.
Further prizes will be awarded for placing 1,2,3 in the series using player rankings (and however Tabletop.To works things out).
Link to detailed information:
To enter: Payment: $20 Payable to Springfield Gamers
EFT (pref): BSB: 034-130 Account number: 228332
Paypal (gift please):
Reference: [first name, last name]_SSS_[round number]