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Deadzone - slow grow...part 1


Deadzone, probably the easiest tabletop wargame to get into.. SG is runnning a slow-grow campaign for the next 6 weeks, I'll certainly be part of it, maybe even rope some other newer players into giving this amazing game a crack!

I have many figures alreaedy for the game, but sitting in a corner looking rather unloved is a wee little box of Marauders (Orks in other universes) These brutal guys look a little dorky and often thought of as being stooopid and clumsy - they are anything but! Able to bring a well rounded force with a little shooting and melee, reasonable numbers, average speed, there's nothing outstanding in any area, but they have tricks in command abilities, which depend on which leader comes to the fight

Marauder Warlord: Green Rage - The active model gains Frenzy (3) for the rest of the Round. If this model already has Frenzy, then the higher of the two values is used.

Painted by Vinsss, Dakka Dakka forum

Commando captain - Tactical Genius - An active friendly model may immediately use and discard one of your opponent’s Command Dice showing a Move, Shoot or Fight result, as if it were your own dice.

Commando Sergeant - By The Numbers - A Commando may re-roll any dice as part of a Fight, Shoot or Survive test

Gruntbot Gaffer - Tinkerer - Recover one HP previously lost, or prevent a HP from being lost on a Gruntbot Gaffer, a Gruntbot or Stuntbot. Max one per model per Round.

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