Lots of awesome events happenin
g for Springfield Gamers and the Brisbane local community, great to see :-)
Firstly, this weekend - Briscon 23 & 24 April, mainly focussing on the tabletop wargaming, and looking to expand into board and roleplaying games. This promises to be BBBIIIGGG. So BBBIIGG in fact that a whole bunch
Springfield Gamers are heading up there for the weekend.
SG are moving the gaming to cafe63 for this Friday, allowing the wargamers to help setup at Briscon.
Looking at the calander we've got a lot happening:
Friday 22nd April - cafe 63 board games Sat 23rd April - Briscon
Sunday 24th April - Briscon
Friday 29th April - cafe 63 board games
Friday 6th May - cafe 63 board games
Saturday 14th May - Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser