Sunday saw Springfield Gamers first foray into the Get Into Gaming program, aimed at newer gamers and using participation games to whet the appetite. Gaslands is a post-apocolyptic game, Mad-Max style, of vehicles racing through gates around a track, armed with machine guns of course!
The session started with each person getting a toy car and a selection of extras to glue on: engine parts, exhausts, weapons, wheel spikes, etc. These were glued on, along with a nail with which to hold the car. Step 2, the cars were taken outside for a quick spray of primer before heading to the paint station. Each player had a brush and a selection of paints and painted their car however they like!
When it came to the games, we split into 2 games, led by Jason and Mike.
Dennis really showed us what can be done with Toy Cars and 3D printers at home
Being Springfield Gamers, we of course had a crazy amount of games being played: Warhammer 40,000, Kings of War & Armada, Deadzone
and all of the legends who made it such a great day!
