​Code of Conduct Policy – Committee
The Committee aims to conduct its responsibilities according to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, respect, fairness, ethics and transparent behaviour. Springfield Gamers Club depends on this for its continued success and reputation.
It is the expectation of the Springfield Gamers Club that all Committee members, regardless of position, conduct all activities they undertake on behalf of the Springfield Gamers Club to be in compliance with all legal, statutory and regulatory requirements. Committee members must also consider the Code of Conduct of any professional bodies with which the club has formal or informal ties.
Where these standards are not met, appropriate action will be taken. In cases where the breach involves serious misconduct, this may result in instant dismissal from the club. In cases where a breach of policy involves a wilful breach of any law, then the relevant government authorities or the police may be notified.
Committee standards include:
Always put safety first and do your utmost to comply with health, safety and environment requirements.
Ensure the mental health of all members is foremost in all considerations.
Ensure the highest standard of quality in any work taken on behalf of the club. Perform this work with diligence and competence
- Ensure that you treat all members (including other committee members) with courtesy and respect and ensure that all your dealings are honest, fair and equitable
Avoid bias in decision making
Show respect for all cultures and beliefs by having due regard for cultural diversity in the gaming space
Do not engage in harassing behaviour towards other club members, visitors
Do not discriminate on the basis of characteristics such as religion, sex, race, pregnancy, age, marital status, sexual preferences or disability
Do not give or receive bribes or facilitation payments in any form
Do not perpetrate, permit or fail to report violations of any federal, state or local government law or regulation
Ensure you do not attend meetings or club events under the influence of or affected by alcohol or illicit drugs
Ensure that you declare to the President, Treasurer or Secretary any conflict of interest between your role as a Committee member and your involvement in an outside activity that may have undue influence on the club
Be aware of club policies and procedures and comply with them at all times
Club information shall not be used for private gain
Club Social Media is used in accordance with the club requirements and is not used for personal gain or exploitation.
Ensure reports, audits and investigations are not deliberately falsified
Do not disclose confidential club information to members, the media or the public at large
Ensure copyright is not breached at all times
The Committee supports and is committed to this Code of Conduct and expects all Committee Members to adhere to the principles outlined